Home Page
Avon Nursery was established in 2011 and moved to its current premises in 2012. It is a purpose built nursery with three main rooms and various extra rooms. We have the benefit of having two outside areas, a physical play, which can be used all year round area and a natural garden area. It also benefits has its own parking facilities.
Our staff are all fully qualified and have comprehensive on going training. All staff hold a first aid certificate and are in receipt of a clear Enhanced DBS (Formally known as CRB checks)
Our aim at Avon Nursery is to ensure that every child is offered
a range of opportunities and experiences to reach their full potential. The environment created within Avon Nursery promotes physical, mental, emotional health, well-being and provides stability for our children’s experiences.
We are committed to providing an environment where children can learn and explore new experiences, where all areas of learning are equally important and inter connected.
The nursery premises, equipment, curriculum and training are constantly reviewed and updated under the guidelines as laid down by the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We understand that children have different needs and we like to offer settling in sessions, we are led by the child and offer as many settling in sessions as required. The settling in sessions are designed to help you and your child familiarise yourselves with the nursery and are a good opportunity for you to get to know the staff and for them to get to know you.
We understand that the decision to leave your child in the care of others is a major one and we would welcome you to call in on us at any time to have a look around. |